Group Coaching Programs | The Inkling Effect
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Group Coaching

Group Coaching Program for Individuals.

A combination of Group Zooms + 1:1 Coaching Sessions + Online Learning Activities

Group Coaching Programs for Individuals

Our group coaching programs are designed for Individuals, delivered via a combination of Group Zooms and 1:1 private coaching, supported with online learning activities.

Perfect for those that need guidance and accountability but also crave the flexibility to fit the contact hours and activities around their busy schedule.

Facilitated over several months, a sequential program, offering flexibility to choose when you engage in Group Zoom's, 1:1 coaching sessions and learning activities.

Image by Jason Leung


Strengths Coaching to unearth your innate talents, and meet your powerful self, for the first time.

'Awakening Your Superpowers' Strengths Coaching Program:


Unearth your talents

Discover the unique talents you were born with, that give you a unique power and edge, to use to fast track your next career leap. 

Open your eyes to who you really are, and seek to greater alignment of your strengths to the work that you do.

Know how to 'Pitch yourself'

Talk about yourself with conviction, to secure that next leap forward in your career - you’ll know yourself intimately, explaining your superpowers to others convincingly. 

Secure that new opportunity you have been longing for, to earn what you're worth, and allow your strengths to shine every day.


Gain a confidence injection

Your belief in yourself and the value you bring will skyrocket. You'll focus on yourself and what you're great at, instead of wasting admiring the skills and capabilities of those around you. You'll be more productive. You'll achieve more when you spend time in your areas of greatest talent.

You become outstanding. You will be called upon for your strengths, and feel a greater sense of belonging.


Achieve greater engagement and happiness at work

You'll start to love Mondays.  Knowing how to align your talents to achieve your greatest success - feeling more energised, in flow and a greater sense of joy. Innovation, creativity, breakthroughs and brilliance will abound.

You will laugh more, you are radiating positive vibes and will enjoy the journey.


Lead your career development

Calling the shots on your future growth. You'll have a clear plan of the skills and knowledge you need to turn your talents into your superpowers. You’ll become the master of targeting your professional development towards amplifying your talents.

Your Strengths will develop infinately, others will observe moments of genius and wizardry when they see your Strengths at play.


Make important career or business decisions
You’ll make unwavering decisions about career leaps you might be considering, whether it be a new direction, leadership opportunities, re-entering the workforce or specialising in a specific field. You may choose to completely shift your focus and switch industries or vocation.

“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Mark Twain


Experience greater self-awareness

With a deep understanding of your talents, you’ll bring a self-awareness beyond your expectations. This will extend to improving your interactions and relationships with work colleagues (and outside of work). You will see yourself and others with a new appreciation and respect for your differences
Encounter more harmony, better communication and good relations in your life. 



Demonstrate Courage and self-assurance
You’ll achieve all the above with the courage and self-assurance you get from knowing who you are, what you’re exceptional at and the environment that supports you to shine.

Freedom to be who you are, and know that you will find meaning and fulfilment doing work that is aligned to your Top Strengths.


Included in this strengths coaching program:

Strengths Assessment

No more guessing what your talents are. A Gallup CliftonStrengthsⓇ assessment will tell you exactly what your 34 talents are in order of their dominance, and our coaching expertise will help you make sense of it all.  You will receive multiple reports detailing your Top 10 talents, and your supporting and lesser talents - providing insights in to your unique combination, and suggestions on how to amplify them to become strengths.

Group Zoom Sessions

Zooms focus on naming your talents, claiming your dominant talents, and determine how to get the best of you to achieve success in your career or life goals. 

Group Zooms allow you to explore the prowess your talents provide, whilst learning from others in the group with diverse talent combinations. You will start to respect and value everyone's differences - whilst also recognising how individual your talents are.

1:1 Coaching Sessions

Private coaching sessions (via Zoom) allow you to further explore your Dominant talents, how they combine to give you your power and edge, and acknowledge your weaknesses. This is where you will start to own your superpowers, the innate talents you were born with!

Online Learning Modules

To support the group Zooms and private coaching sessions, you'll have access to online learning modules. These modules provide links to further videos and resources about your Top talents, coaching activities to be worked through between touch-points. Additionally, it offers a simple way to keep on track and know what's next during the program.

Digital Vision Board

Everything we cover in the Strengths Coaching Program will be collated in your own personalised Digital Vision Board (on Mural). You will have this to refer to beyond our time together, providing you with reminders of what makes you unique, how to describe your strengths to others (brilliant for interviews), words you might choose to do so (perfect for resumes & Bio's), and how the people in your life might get the best from you (great for you manager or team).Providing you a resource that lives on long after you have completed your coaching.

Private Facebook Group

Support in the Private ‘Find Your Magic’ Facebook group. Ask questions, share talent experiences, view lives, access recordings

Image by Kamakshi subramani


A modern and cutting-edge Career Coaching framework, utilising design-thinking to guide you to design the work life you want, aligned to who you are.

To be completed AFTER the strengths coaching program above.

'Career Change Catalyst' Career Coaching Program:

Reclaim your Meaning and Purpose

Believe that you can design the work life you want. Discover the power you’ve always had to choose your path, and write your own work story. 

No more asking yourself  “Is this as good as it gets?”  

Gain the Courage and Commitment to seek alignment between who you are and the work you do

Step outside your comfort zone and embrace the change that you know is necessary in your life.
Nothing changes if nothing changes.


Create an Ideas bank of work possibilities to be explored.

Overcome that feeling of being STUCK, or paralysed by fear, with no idea what to do next.
Open your eyes to a whole world of work possibilities.


Nurture and guide the version of you that craves meaningful change

Digging deep to uncover things like…your top ‘Values’, what motivates you at work (and what doesn’t) avoiding work that will drain you, and lead to burnout.
Instead seeking work that will energise and provide fulfilment, and meaning.

Know what you really want from your work-life

Take responsibility for your work-life, leaving behind excuses and procrastination.

Spend time imagining your ‘Ideal Life’ creating a clear picture of what you want so you will be able to support that vision when you take a step towards change. 
If you don’t prioritise your life, someone else will. Greg Mckeown

Discover Your True Calling

You’ll discover the alignment between the work you do and your inner calling. Unveiling your Life's Purpose.
Define your ‘Ideal working day’ and what a ‘Day in Your Ideal Working Life’ would be like.
Define your 'North Star' for your work-life, to guide your decision making.


Rekindle your spark, and refocus on becoming the high-impact, freedom-seeking individual that you are.
Reunite with dreams and aspirations you had as a child, exploring any constraints you may be placing on yourself. 

Revisit your definition of success, and your identity around work.

Included in this career coaching program:

Group Zoom Sessions

Weekly Zooms to focus on career change exercises, meditations and visualisation carefully designed to extract all the answers to guide your next career move.

1:1 Coaching Sessions

Private coaching sessions (via Zoom) allow further exploration of your weekly insights, identified constraints, beliefs, skills, motivations, values, achievements and recognition - to fuel your personal exploration, and help identify your life purpose and future work possibilities.

Online Learning Modules

To support the group Zooms and private coaching sessions, you'll have access to online learning modules. These modules provide details around the weekly exercises, home-play, links to further videos and resources, and coaching activities to be worked through between touch-points. Additionally, it offers a simple way to keep on track and know what's next during the program.

Digital Vision Board

Everything we cover in the Career Coaching Program will be collated in your own personalised Digital Vision Board (on Mural). You will have this to refer to beyond our time together. Providing you a resource that lives on long after you have completed your coaching.

Private Facebook Group

Support in the Private ‘Find Your Magic’ Facebook group. Ask questions, share experiences, view lives, access recordings

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